Prison Cosmic Reset
Hey astronauts! I am excited to announce that we are resetting Prison Cosmic on February 4th at 3 PM EST / 12 PM PST / 8 PM GMT!!
Prison Cosmic releases on February 4th at 3 PM EST / 12 PM PST / 8 PM GMT!
For any other time zone, type "3 PM EST" into Google, and the appropriate time will be displayed based on your location. Let's jump into the reset details!
Server Details
The following information is the basic server details for our upcoming reset. To see new features, keep scrolling until you see the "Features" section.
Cell Top (/ctop)
All vouchers will expire the week after they are handed out (/voucher). You must redeem them towards items on the server you win them on by that next week or they will be useless. The last week of voucher payouts will roll over to the next season. The payouts will be as follows:
- $100 Buycraft
- $75 Buycraft
- $50 Buycraft
- $40 Buycraft
- $35 Buycraft
Player Prestige Top (/ptop)
All vouchers will expire the week after they are handed out (/voucher). You must redeem them towards items on the server you win them on by that next week or they will be useless. The last week of voucher payouts will roll over to the next season. The payouts will be as follows:
- $30 Buycraft
- $20 Buycraft
- $10 Buycraft
Block Top (/btop)
All vouchers will expire the week after they are handed out (/voucher). You must redeem them towards items on the server you win them on by that next week or they will be useless. The last week of voucher payouts will roll over to the next season. The payouts will be as follows:
- $30 Buycraft
- $20 Buycraft
- $10 Buycraft
Pass Top (/passtop)
All vouchers will expire the week after they are handed out (/voucher). You must redeem them towards items on the server you win them on by that next week or they will be useless. The last week of voucher payouts will roll over to the next season. The payouts will be as follows:
- $10 Voucher
- $7.5 Voucher
- $5 Voucher
Fishing Top (/ftop) [FIRST WEEK]
The top three players who are on /ftop at 6 PM EST one week after launch will win the fishing top rewards! The Lootboxes are available via postman pat at spawn once payouts are sent. First week only!
- 3x Christmas Lootboxes
- 2x Christmas Lootboxes
- 1x Christmas Lootbox
What is being reset?
Below is a list of gameplay elements that will be cleared with the upcoming reset:
- Your Prison data
- Your Tokens
- Your Balance
- Personal Data
- Enderchests
- Private Vaults
- Inventories
- Plots
- Chests
- Any non-permanent perks
What is not being reset?
- Unlocked Kits
- Donator Ranks
- Any permanent perks (Such as autosell)
- If you purchased something within the last week, please reach out via a support ticket on Discord and we will give it to you next season!
We have some crazy new content and many gameplay improvements releasing this season! Read below to find out what you can expect to see this season:
New Spawn
This season of Cosmic will have a brand new spawn!!

Event Mine Update
The Event Mine will have it blocks changed to different colored terracotta blocks every day. The Event Mine will also have different perks that will rotate daily. The mine will also keep its 2x sell multiplier at all times.
Event Mine Perks
- Beacon Enchant will be buffed by 25%
- Luck Enchant will be buffed by 25%
- Bits Enchant will be buffed by 10%
- 2x Sell Multi

Multipliers (Update)
We are adding a new and updated way to view all of your current multipliers. The new GUI will now show multipliers for Sell, Token, Luck, and Experience. This is to allow players to easily view what active multipliers they have.

Prestige Changes
A change is being made to prestiging for this season of Cosmic. When players want to prestige it will now cost money in order to do so. This change is being implemented to regulate and manage the amount of money within the economy.

Galaxy Pass (NEW Update!!!)
Galaxy Pass has been needing an update and it is long overdue. We believe by updating and bringing a new concept to the Galaxy Pass will encourage players to actually grind and look forward to the Galaxy Pass.
There will be the Free and Premium rewards. Even if you purchase the Galaxy Pass later in the season you can earn the past Premium rewards.

Pickaxe Enchants
We are adding two new prestige pickaxe enchant to this season of Prison Cosmic, the first is enchant is called Gold Digger, while the second is called Insane Luck.
- 1 Level
- Cost: 200 Prestige Tokens
- Unlocks at Prestige Level 50
- Upon activation this enchantment will increase your mine rank by one stage
Insane Luck
- 50 Levels
- Cost: 3 Prestige Tokens
- When mining the player will have a chance to obtain a Moon Relic

Moon Relics
Moon Relics are new items which are only obtained via the Insane Luck enchantment, these upon right clicking will give a multitude of rewards such as legendary pouches and high amounts of prestige tokens!

Fishing Contests
This season of Cosmic will be introducing fishing contests ! There will be a majority of different contests, such as longest fish and rarity contests! However unique to this season of Cosmic will be a new contest called Hotspots! During this event all players will recieve a 15% sell boost to all fish sold during this event.
The players who reach the leaderboard during this event will all recieve prizes!

Toggleable Enchants
This season of Cosmic will introduce the ability to toggle your enchants on your pickaxe via the /toggleenchant or /te command!

Quality of Life Changes
We have listened to your feedback on the annoyances of our Prison platform and we've come together with a list of items to be fixed!
- Robots have recieved a rework
- Beacons are unable to be placed
- Looter enchant bug has been fixed
- Beacon mine has been added to /warps
- Warp Free has been removed
- Bosses will no longer give rewards if not killed by the player
- /job has been removed
Nitro Rewards
Did you know you can get a load of perks just by boosting us on Discord? If you already have a Nitro subscription you get two free boosts included! Below are just some of the amazing perks you will receive upon boosting.
- 1x Nitro Lootbox (available in-game via /reclaim once per season)
- In-game Nitro Title
- In-game Nitro Cosmetics
- Daily Nitro Delivery from the Delivery Man
- Booster role in Discord, including the Booster badge, and your name will be listed under staff!
- In-game Pink Tab Name
- In-game Pink Diamond on your display name
- Nitro Booster line in your hover over display name
We're looking forward to seeing everyone on this brand new planet and good luck to everyone in contention for our prize pool!
Hey astronauts! I am excited to announce that we are resetting Prison Plasma on February 18th at 3 PM EST / 12 PM PST / 8 PM GMT! We’ve made many improvements to the
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