Skyblock Pandora Release
Hey astronauts! I am excited to announce that we are releasing the brand new revamp of Skyblock Pandora on December 10th at 3 PM EDT / 12 PM PST / 8 PM BST! We've gathered a lot of community feedback and put a lot of time into making sure we execute the changes everyone wants to see for Pandora this release. Thank you all who contributed!
Skyblock Pandora releases on December 10th at 3 PM EDT / 12 PM PST / 8 PM GMT!
For any other time zone, type "3 PM EDT" into Google, and the appropriate time will be displayed based on your location. Let's jump into the reset details!
Server Details
The following information is the basic server details for our upcoming reset. To see new features, keep scrolling until you see the "Features and Changes" section.
Island Top (/istop)
We'll be offering vouchers for those players that have the most Island Value. To get island value checkout our economy quick start guide below. These payouts will be distributed every week from the start onward until the map comes to a close.
- $100 Buycraft
- $70 Buycraft
- $50 Buycraft
- $35 Buycraft
- $20 Buycraft
Fishing Top (/fishingtop)
Fishing top is a voucher leaderboard for this season of Skyblock Pandora. At the end of the week, the top three people on Fishing top will receive the following voucher reward. To get higher on the fishing top you must catch fish at the fishing lake.
- $30 Buycraft
- $20 Buycraft
- $10 Buycraft
Pumpkin Top (/mobtop)
Pumpkin top is a voucher leaderboard for this season of Skyblock Pandora. To get a position on Pumpkin Top you need harvest as many pumpkins as possible. The top three people on Pumpkin Top will receive the following voucher reward.
- $30 Buycraft
- $20 Buycraft
- $10 Buycraft
Mob Top (/mobtop)
Mob top is a voucher leaderboard for this season of Skyblock Pandora. To get a position on Mob Top you need to kill the Blaze mob on Skyblock Pandora. The top three people on Mob Top will receive the following voucher reward.
- $30 Buycraft
- $20 Buycraft
- $10 Buycraft
Pass Top (/passtop)
Pass Top is a leaderboard for players with the Premium Galaxy pass! Every week you will be given a voucher if you are ranked in the top three players for Pass level!
- $10 Buycraft
- $7.5 Buycraft
- $5 Buycraft
What is being reset?
Below is a list of gameplay elements that will be cleared with the upcoming reset:
- Your Skyblock Data
- Your Balance
- Personal Data
- Enderchests
- Private Vaults
- Inventories
- Islands
- Chests
- Any non-permanent perks
What is not being reset?
- Unlocked Kits
- Donator Ranks
- Any permanent perks
- If you purchased something within the two weeks please reach out via a support ticket on Discord and we will give it to you next season!
Features and Changes
The communities feedback has been invaluable and has had a huge impact during this development cycle of Skyblock Pandora. This release will spark a new beginning for Skyblock Pandora.
We’re keeping pandora more in line with the community's request for a manual grinding economy, so these are the main aspects of the economy:
- Fishing
- Pumpkin Farming
- Blaze Grinding
- Generators and Spawners

Experience removal
Experience (EXP/XP) will unfortunately make an exit from this map as a reward for grinding. We will fill all experience costs, with space coin costs. So the current grinding tools will now be upgradable with spacecoins, instead of with experience!

Grinding and collecting changes
The harvesters axe will no longer auto-sell pumpkins and will no longer have its current upgrades. The harvester axe will now have efficiency 5 on it by default!
Harvesters axe will have a new set of upgrades:
- Lightweight:
- 3 Levels
- Gives a level of haste per level
- Twinkletoes
- 6 Levels
- Gives a level of swiftness per level
All other tools will have different upgrade costs as well:
- Loose Change
- 100 Levels
- All tools
- Increases the sell price of Pumpkins, Fish and Blaze rods
- Gift From Above
- 100 Levels
- Crop wand and Sword
- Increases the chance to get a spacecoin per pumpkin sold or blaze killed
- Goldfish
- 6 levels
- Fishing Rod
- Increases the number of spacecoins gotten per fish
- Key Gen
- 1 Level
- All Tools
- Gives a chance to get a key when selling a drop, or catching a fish

Crop Collectors
Crop Collectors will also make a return to this map!
The crop collector is a block, that collects all drops inside one chunk.
They will return to the crates and /shop for $1.000.000. However, the crop collectors will no longer automatically break the pumpkins. They will only be able to pick up player-mined pumpkins from the ground.
The collector will have limited storage of 200k pumpkins.

[NEW] Wands
The selling method of pumpkins will also see a big change. Pumpkins will no longer automatically give you money and experience when mined, but will now drop onto the ground. In a functional farm, a crop collector will collect all your mined pumpkins, and store them inside!
We are now going to use the Mob Wand, and the Crop Wand to sell your drops.
Mob wand:
- The mob wand will sell all mob drops within a chest or a mob collector when clicked.
Crop wand:
- The crop wand will sell all crops within a chest or a crop collector when clicked.
Furthermore, all Sell Wand Taxes are removed from all wands due to community request!

[NEW] Grinding Rotational Buff
A buff will rotate for each grinding method periodically!
It will look as following:
- A 1 hour of x1.2 Sell and Spacecoin buff on Pumpkin grinding
- A 1 hour of x1.2 Sell and Spacecoin buff on Fishing
- A 1 hour of x1.2 Sell and Spacecoin buff on Grinding Blazes
- Repeat
We’re hoping to encourage people to build various different farms in this manner!

[NEW] Player chest shops
Also a much requested addition to this map: A player chest shop!
We will be giving people the option to make their own shop on their island. All you have to do, is place a sign with the correct item, prices and names, and people will be able to buy things directly out of your chest. We’re hoping that this will let the player economy thrive!

Pet changes
We have also decided to make pets more in line with a manual grinding economy. Pets will be changing from passive leveling, to active leveling. Your pets will now gain XP each time you do the job of the pet. For example: Fishing Pet will get XP every time you reel in a fish.
Additionally, excess pets can now be recycled. If you decide you do not need a pet, you can recycle the pet at the new Veterinarian Vicky NPC. This will trade one pet of any level, for one ‘’Pet Candy’’. Pet candies can be used to exceed the level 100 limit on your max pets. When you click on a candy in your inventory, a menu with all max pets will come up. You can here chose what pet you would like to exceed past level 100 stats! Please do note, pets do not become ‘’Level 101’’, but will show an additional text on it ‘’Empowered 1/2/3/4/5’’, which adds as much new stats as a level would have!

Spacecoin shop and regular shop changes
New changes are occuring to /shop and the spacecoin shop ! Below is a list of these changes.
Spacecoin shop:
- 1x Mob Wand (100 uses)
- Price: 7500 Spacecoins
- 1x Crop Wand (100 uses)
- Price: 7500 Spacecoins
- Launch Pad
- Price: 1500 Spacecoins
- 1x Tier 4 Space coin Generator
- Removed
- Crop collector
- Price: 1.000.000
- Glowstone genblocks
- Same prices as other genblocks

Quality of life, and Bug fixes
- Slightly nerfed space coin generators, so grinding is more beneficial
- You now have the Ability to toggle XP, cash and space coin messages individually for all grinding tools.
- Added /WithdrawSpacecoins {Amount}
- Fixed /enchants to display the correct GUI
- Combine custom enchant books to get a better one (combo 2 book with combo 2 book —> combo 3) Same drag n drop mechanic: If you drop a combo 2 book on a combo 2 book, you get a combo 3 book
- Added netherite ingots to mob collector
- Limited the amount of Mystery spawner messages to 5 per minute. This is to prevent excessive spam from these messages
- Removed /jobs
- Removed zombie spawners from lootboxes
- Jackpot no longer picks 2 winners, granting both players the entire jackpot.
- Crate keys can no longer be broken via off-hand
- Added a command to view an item ID, so you can make a playershop using signs.
Nitro Rewards
Did you know you can get a load of perks just by boosting us on Discord? If you already have a Nitro subscription you get two free boosts included! Below are just some of the amazing perks you will receive upon boosting.
- 1x Nitro Lootbox (available in-game via /reclaim once per season)
- In-game Nitro Title
- In-game Nitro Cosmetics
- Daily Nitro Delivery from the Delivery Man
- Booster role in Discord, including the Booster badge, and your name will be listed under staff!
- In-game Pink Tab Name
- In-game Pink Diamond on your display name
- Nitro Booster line in your hover over display name
We're looking forward to another great season, good luck to everyone in contention for our prize pool!
~ Trick, Rapidity and the rest of the Pandora Planning team.
Hey astronauts! I am excited to announce that we are resetting Prison Cosmic on December 24th at 3 PM EDT / 12 PM PST / 8 PM GMT!! Prison Cosmic releases on December 24th at
Hey astronauts! I am excited to announce that we are resetting Prison Plasma on November 26th at 3 PM EDT / 12 PM PST / 8 PM BST! We’ve made many improvements to the