Skyblock Pandora Reset
Skyblock Pandora releases on August 24th at
12 PM PST / 3 PM EST / 8 PM BST
Join our Discord at to interact with the community, and participate in events, key alls, and giveaways!
What is being reset
Everything is being reset apart from Kits, Ranks, or Permanent Perks. If you have bought anything within the last one week, contact us on to get these items next season.
Release Details
[NEW] Starter Islands!
We are introducing 2 brand new starter islands to Skyblock Pandora this season!

Starting Island Chest
All starting island chests have been updated to now only contain the following:
- [Updated] Chest Contents
- 16x Cobblestone
- 16x Grass Block
- 4x Ice
- 2x Lava Bucket
- 2x Oak Sapling
- 8x Sugarcane
- 8x Pumpkin Seeds
- 16x Cooked Beef

Spacecoin Withdraw Improvements
- What has changed?
- Instead of withdrawing spacecoins and having them all go into your inventory individually, they will now be put into a spacecoin "bag"! Choose the amount of spacecoins you want to withdraw and the number of bags you need, and away you go!
- You can right click any bag of spacecoins to redeem it, which will add them all directly to your spacecoin balance!
- Accessibility Command
- /withdrawspacecoins (amount) (bags)

Auction House Improvements
- What has changed?
- Tired of writing out each individual number to list an item on the Auction House? Say no more! With the new improvements to our system, you are now able to list items in a breeze!
- For example, instead of listing an item for "100000", you can now list it as "100k". This rule applies to all numerical values
- For those who still want to write out the individual numbers, we have made it so you are still able to do so!
- This Auction House Improvement will roll out Network-Wide, but Skyblock Pandora gets the first shout :)
- Accessibility Command Examples
- /auchand 1.25k
- /auchand 150k
- /auchand 1.25m
- /auchand 1.25b
- /auchand 1.25t
- etc..

Wizard Updates
- [Improved] Menu Layout
- The Wizard NPC menu now includes two options; buy a black magic enchantment book or view all enchantment books that you could have a chance of getting from the Wizard!
- [Added] Black Magic Enchantment Books
- Sharpness 6
- Unbreaking 4-7

Ore Generator Updates
- [Updated] Ore Generator Upgrade Prices
- Level 9: 250,000 -> 225,000 spacecoins
- Level 10: 300,000 -> 250,000 spacecoins
- Level 11: 350,000 -> 275,000 spacecoins
- Level 12: 400,000 -> 300,000 spacecoins
- Level 13: 450,000 -> 325,000 spacecoins
- Level 14: 475,000 -> 350,000 spacecoins
- Level 15: 500,000 -> 375,000 spacecoins

Shop Updates
- [Updated] Shop Buy Prices
- White Wool: Not Buyable -> $10
- Water / Lava Bucket: $150 -> Free
- Bucket: $100 -> Free
- Cooked Beef: Not Buyable -> $25
- Cooked Porkchop: Not Buyable -> $25
- Cooked Mutton: Not Buyable -> $25
- Cooked Rabbit: Not Buyable -> $25
- Chiseled Sandstone: $150 -> $100
- Smooth Sandstone: $150 -> $100
- Red Sandstone: $130 -> $100
- Chiseled Red Sandstone: $300 -> $100
- Smooth Red Sandstone: $300 -> $100
- Oak Leaves: $200 -> $100
- Spruce Leaves: $200 -> $100
- Birch Leaves: $200 -> $100
- Jungle Leaves: $200 -> $100
- Acacia Leaves: $200 -> $100
- Dark Oak Leaves: $200 -> $100
- Mangrove Leaves: $200 -> $100
- Grass Block: $60 -> $30
- Dirt: $60 -> $30
- Armor Stands: Removed
- [Updated] Shop Sell Prices
- White Wool: $1 -> Not Sellable
- Armor Stands: Removed

Grinder Key Changes
- What has changed?
- Grinder Keys have been removed from all gameplay aspects on Skyblock Pandora. We have made other adjustments to work alongside this change
- Gameplay Feature Changes
- The Key Finder upgrade on Fishing Rods, Swords, and Harvester Axes will no longer give you Grinder Keys. Instead, they will now only have a chance to give you crater, asteroid, comet, or generator keys upon procing
- The Key Finder upgrade on Fishing Rods, Swords, and Harvester Axes has recieved a nerf
- The Grinder Gkit will no longer give 5x Grinder Crate Keys. Instead, it will give a crater, asteroid, and comet key, alongside all of its' current rewards

Bug Fixes & Quality of Life Updates
- Added lore onto the Anti Pet that shows it does not affect the Medic Pet
- The capture time for all outposts has been decreased from 2 minutes to 1 minute
- Nerfed some of the money rewards given by the Delivery Man to better match the current economy
- Added an icon to the /island menu that allows you to toggle your Island Team Friendly Fire for PvP
- Fixed an issue where the playtime rewards message would sometimes spam your chat
- Fixed an issue where mining-specific challenges would sometimes not register in your /challenges menu
- Fixed an issue where you were unable to apply the Punch Enchantment Book to a bow

Payouts and Competition
Island Top (/istop)
Players with the highest Island Level will recieve the following: This is reset weekly
- $100 Buycraft
- $80 Buycraft
- $60 Buycraft
- $45 Buycraft
- $30 Buycraft
Farming Top (/farmingtop)
Players with the most Crops Harvested will recieve the following
- $25 Buycraft
- $15 Buycraft
- $10 Buycraft
Mob Top (/mobtop)
Players with the most Mobs Killed will recieve the following
- $25 Buycraft
- $15 Buycraft
- $10 Buycraft
Fishing Top (/fishingtop) [FIRST WEEK ONLY]
Players who reel in the most fish will recieve the following
- 3x Pandora Lootboxes
- 2x Pandora Lootboxes
- 1x Pandora Lootboxes
Pass Top (/passtop)
Players with the highest Galaxy Pass level will recieve the following
- $10 Buycraft
- $7.5 Buycraft
- $5 Buycraft
Nitro Rewards
Did you know you can get a load of perks just by boosting us on Discord? If you already have a Nitro subscription you get two free boosts included! Below are just some of the amazing perks you will receive upon boosting.

We're looking forward to another great season, good luck to everyone in contention for our prize pool!
~ Vortex Staff Team
Prison Cosmic resets on September 7th at 3 PM EDT / 12 PM PDT / 7 PM BST! Join our Discord at to interact with the community and participate in events,
Prison Plasma resets on August 10th at 3 PM EDT / 12 PM PDT / 7 PM BST! Join our Discord at to interact with the community and participate in events,