Cosmic Prison Release
Hey astronauts! I am excited to announce that we are resetting Prison Cosmic on October 1st at 3 PM EDT / 12 PM PST / 8 PM BST!!
Prison Cosmic releases on October 1st at 3 PM EDT / 12 PM PST / 8 PM GMT!
For any other time zone, type "3 PM EDT" into Google, and the appropriate time will be displayed based on your location. Let's jump into the reset details!
Server Details
The following information is the basic server details for our upcoming reset. To see new features, keep scrolling until you see the "Features" section.
Player Prestige Top (/ptop)
All vouchers will expire the week after they are handed out (/voucher). You must redeem them towards items on the server you win them on by that next week or they will be useless. The last week of voucher payouts will roll over to the next season. The payouts will be as follows:
- $100 Buycraft
- $75 Buycraft
- $50 Buycraft
- $40 Buycraft
- $35 Buycraft
Block Top (/btop)
All vouchers will expire the week after they are handed out (/voucher). You must redeem them towards items on the server you win them on by that next week or they will be useless. The last week of voucher payouts will roll over to the next season. The payouts will be as follows:
- $50 Buycraft
- $40 Buycraft
- $30 Buycraft
- $20 Buycraft
- $10 Buycraft
Pass Top (/passtop)
All vouchers will expire the week after they are handed out (/voucher). You must redeem them towards items on the server you win them on by that next week or they will be useless. The last week of voucher payouts will roll over to the next season. The payouts will be as follows:
- $10 Voucher
- $7.5 Voucher
- $5 Voucher
Fishing Top (/ftop) [FIRST WEEK]
The top three players who are on /ftop at 6 PM EST one week after launch will win the fishing top rewards! The Lootboxes are available via postman pat at spawn once payouts are sent. First week only!
- 3x Pumpkin Lootboxes
- 2x Pumpkin Lootboxes
- 1x Pumpkin Lootbox
We have some crazy new content and many gameplay improvements releasing this season! Read below to find out what you can expect to see this season:
Cells Update
Cells will now be able to create their very own cell for their duo. There will be a Default Cell and a Blank Cell. The Default Cell will be similar to the Cell in Plasma and the Blank Cell with be only a Bedrock Block for those wanting to design their very own Cell.
Cell Top
Cells will now have NEW way to compete for Cell Top. Cell Top will be now calculated by value. These value blocks are Beacons and End Stone. Cells must place these blocks down at their Cell to achieve Cell Top. Beacons can be obtained from a New Pickaxe Enchant, and End Stone can be bought from the Token Shop.

Lost Miner (New)
The Lost Miner is a new feature that can be activated once you are within a mine. It will be able to mine and sell blocks, and discover tokens. You can upgrade the Lost Miner by holding the item within your hand and performing the command /upgrade.
Lost Miner Upgrades
- Increases the Efficiency of the Lost Miner's Pickaxe to mine blocks quicker
- 7,500 Tokens per level | Max level of 15
Token Finder
- Increases the chance of the Lost Miner finding Tokens
- 22,500 Tokens per level | Max level of 100
Block Storage
- Increases the Lost Miner's Pockets to allow them to mine for longer
- 28,000 Tokens per level | Max level of 10
Sell Multiplier
- Allows blocks mined by the Lost Miner to be sold for more
- 50,000 Tokens per level | Max level of 10

Event Mine (Update)
The Event Mine is being update with a massive change. Every six hours the Multi will change between Sell and Token Multiplier. There may even be times where both are active. During this change the blocks within the mine will change different colors as well, given player a new taste and flavor of different blocks.

Pickaxe Updates
To continue the push for Cosmic to have it's own spin and flare, we have modify pickaxe enchants! We have also decided to remove the leveling cap on certain enchant to allow player to pick and choose which enchants to upgrade first.
New Enchants
Beaconator (NEW)
- Chance to discover Beacons
- 650 Tokens per level | Max level of 5,000
Luck (Bringing Back)
- Chance to discover Moon Rocks while mining.
- 650 Tokens per level | Max level of 5,000

Pumpkin Lootbox
To celebrate Fall, we’re launching the Pumpkin Lootbox! Preview it in-game with the /lootbox command!

Balancing Changes
We're making the following balancing changes to allow for a better playing experience:
- Oil Rig will now work properly allowing players to find more oil while fishing.
- Experience Pickaxe Enchant has been slightly nerfed.
- Shard Pickaxe Enchant has been slightly buffed.
- Removed End Stone from /shop.
Quality of Life Changes
We have listened to your feedback on the annoyances of our Prison platform and we've come together with a list of items to be fixed!
- A Pickaxe Core will be in your inventory upon reset.
- Plots have been removed due to the implementation of Cells.
- Prestige Top is being brought back.
- Galaxy Pass will now display the correct ways to earn experience.

Nitro Rewards
Did you know you can get a load of perks just by boosting us on Discord? If you already have a Nitro subscription you get two free boosts included! Below are just some of the amazing perks you will receive upon boosting.
- 1x Nitro Lootbox (available in-game via /reclaim once per season)
- In-game Nitro Title
- In-game Nitro Cosmetics
- Daily Nitro Delivery from the Delivery Man
- Booster role in Discord, including the Booster badge, and your name will be listed under staff!
- In-game Pink Tab Name
- In-game Pink Diamond on your display name
- Nitro Booster line in your hover over display name
We're looking forward to seeing everyone on this brand new planet and good luck to everyone in contention for our prize pool!
Hey astronauts! I am excited to announce that we are resetting Prison Plasma on October 15th at 3 PM EDT / 12 PM PST / 8 PM BST! We’ve made many improvements to the
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