Skyblock Pandora Reset
Hey astronauts! I am excited to announce that we are resetting Skyblock Pandora on April 9th at 3 PM EDT / 12 PM PDT / 8 PM BST!
We’ve made many improvements to the planet based on your feedback from last season and we cannot wait to share them with you on launch day, April 9th!
Join our Discord at to interact with the community and participant in key alls!
Skyblock Pandora releases April 9th, 2022 at 3 PM EDT / 12 PM PDT / 8 PM BST!
For any other timezones, type "3 PM EDT" into Google, and the appropriate time will be displayed based on your location. Let's jump into the reset details!
Server Details
The following information is the basic server details for our upcoming reset. To see new features, keep scrolling until you see the "Features and Changes" section.
Island Top (/istop)
We'll be offering vouchers for those players that have the most Island Value. To get island value checkout our economy quick start guide below. These payouts will be distributed every week from the start onward until the map comes to a close.
- $125 Buycraft
- $75 Buycraft
- $50 Buycraft
- $35 Buycraft
- $20 Buycraft
Farming Top (/farmingtop)
With the re-introduction of farming onto Skyblock Pandora there will be a leaderboard for harvesting the most crops. At the end of each week, the top three people on Farming top will receive the following voucher rewards.
- $20 Buycraft
- $15 Buycraft
- $10 Buycraft
Fishing Top (/fishingtop)
Fishing top is a voucher leaderboard for this season of Skyblock Pandora. At the end of the week, the top three people on Fishing top will receive the following voucher reward. To get higher on the fishing top you must catch fish at the fishing lake.
- $20 Buycraft
- $15 Buycraft
- $10 Buycraft
Mob Top (/mobtop)
Mob top is a voucher leaderboard for this season of Skyblock Pandora. To get a position on Mob Top you need to kill the Blaze mob on Skyblock Pandora. The top three people on Mob Top will receive the following voucher reward.
- $20 Buycraft
- $15 Buycraft
- $10 Buycraft
Pass Top (/passtop)
Pass Top is a leaderboard for players with the Premium Galaxy pass! Every week you will be given a voucher if you are ranked in the top three players for Pass level!
- $20 Buycraft
- $15 Buycraft
- $10 Buycraft
What is being reset?
Below is a list of gameplay elements that will be cleared with the upcoming reset:
- Your Skyblock Data
- Your Balance
- Personal Data
- Enderchests
- Private Vaults
- Inventories
- Islands
- Chests
- Any non-permanent perks
What is not being reset?
- Unlocked Kits
- Donator Ranks
- Any permanent perks
- If you purchased something within the two weeks please reach out via a support ticket on Discord and we will give it to you next season!
Features and Changes
For this season of Pandora, we have asked the community for its feedback and have taken all of this on board during the creation of this map. As such, this season will mostly focus on fixing bugs and improving what already exists on the server, but do not worry, there are some new things being added!
Easter Lootbox
To celebrate Easter, we're launching the Easter Lootbox! Preview it in-game with the /lootbox command.

Easter Egg Hunt
The easter bunny has hidden eggs around the Pandora Sanctuary! Find all of them to earn an exclusive title and crate key!

The most requested feature, we are bringing back farming as an alternative method for making money on Skyblock Pandora. The crop which will be used for this map will be cane, and the top three people every week with the most cane broken will be given a voucher!

Harvester Hoes
With the introduction of farming, we are bringing back the harvester hoe; this item will automatically sell any sugar cane which is broken by the player, so you do not have to stop while harvesting your crops!

Farm Busters
Accidentally built a large farm in the wrong place? Well, no worries, with the farm buster, you will be able to destroy 1 chunk of a farm by simply placing this item on the ground!

This season of pandora you will be able to partake in various jobs to help on your journey. There will be four jobs: Farmer, Angler, Hunter and Investor.
The Farmer job will give you a 1.1 x sell boost on all crops sold
The Angler job will give you a 1.1x sell boost to all fish sold
The Hunter job will give a 1.1x sell boost to all mobs drops (excluding iron) sold
The Investor job will give a 1.1x sell boost to all iron sold

New PvP Arena
We are bringing in a new PvP arena which is larger than the one of previous seasons, so we can fill it with more useful things.

PvP Changes and Features
There will now be three outposts in PvP. These will be the Pandora outpost, the Fishing outpost and the Farming outpost. Their abilities are below but choose wisely; your island will only be able to own one outpost at a time!
The Pandora outpost will now give a 1.1x sell boost to all blaze rods sold by the player as well as completely eliminating the tax on the sell wand!
The Fishing outpost is a new outpost being introduced this season and will give a 1.1x sell boost to all fish sold to the fisherman at /warp fishing!
The Farming outpost is a new outpost being introduced this season and will give a 1.1x sell boost to all pieces of cane sold by the harvester hoe!
The fishing lake will also be returning for this season. The fishing lake will increase the chances of finding higher tier fish, so it is definitely worth the risk to fish there!

Farmer Alien
Another new alien friend has decided to visit from the stars. This alien seems to give you sugar cane in exchange for souls gained from mobs; no one knows why he does this; he just does.
All aliens will be receiving a revamp this season and will be reworked to be more balanced.

Hoppers and Spawners
You are now able to buy hopper upgrades from the vortex store and find them in comet crates! These upgrades will increase the amount of hoppers you are able to place onto your island, first to 5000 and then to 7500. Anyone who owned these upgrades before will be given them again.
A new feature is coming to spawners! Instead of having to mine them one by one, now, upon shifting, you will be able to break them, and 64 will break instead.

Gameplay and Bug fixes
For this season of pandora, there will be multiple bug fixes and gameplay changes occurring to give players the best experience possible.
- Reduced the number of mystery spawners in the Crater crate
- Reduced the number of mystery spawners in the Asteroid crate
- Reduced the number of iron golem spawners in the Asteroid crate
- Reduced the number of mystery spawners in the Comet crate
- Reduced the number of iron golem spawners in the Comet crate
- Reduced the number of mystery spawners in the KoTH crate
- Reduced the number of lucky blocks in the Comet crate
- Increase the rarity of ore condensers in crates
- Ore condensers removed from asteroid crates
- The sell price of blaze rods has been reduced
- Miner Aliens will give more blocks
- Slayer aliens will give fewer blaze rods
- Fisher aliens will give less fish
- The wizard has been removed
- The Lure and Luck of the sea enchants have been disabled
- All value spawners will receive a 1.5x buy price increase
Nitro Rewards
Did you know you can get a load of perks just by boosting us on Discord? If you already have a Nitro subscription you get two free boosts included! Below are just some of the amazing perks you will receive upon boosting.
- 1x Nitro Lootbox (available in-game via /reclaim once per season)
- In-game Nitro Title
- In-game Nitro Cosmetics
- Daily Nitro Delivery from the Delivery Man
- Booster role in Discord, including the Booster badge, and your name will be listed under staff!
- In-game Pink Tab Name
- In-game Pink Diamond on your display name
- Nitro Booster line in your hover over display name
We're looking forward to another great season, good luck to everyone in contention for our prize pool!
~ Vortex Pandora Team
Hey astronauts! I am excited to announce that we are resetting Prison Plasma on April 30th at 3 PM EDT / 12 PM PST / 8 PM BST! We’ve made many improvements to the
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