Prison Plasma Reset
Hey astronauts! I am excited to announce that we are resetting Prison Plasma on April 30th at 3 PM EDT / 12 PM PST / 8 PM BST!
We’ve made many improvements to the planet based on your feedback from last season and we cannot wait to share them with you on launch day, April 30th!
Join our Discord at to interact with the community and participant in key alls!
Prison Plasma releases April 30th, 2022 at 3 PM EDT / 12 PM PST / 8 PM BST!
For any other timezones, type "3 PM EDT" into Google, and the appropriate time will be displayed based on your location. Let's jump into the reset details!
Server Details
The following information is the basic server details for our upcoming reset. To see new features, keep scrolling until you see the "Features" section.
Gang Prestige Top (/gtop)
All vouchers will expire the week after they are handed out (/voucher). You must redeem them towards items on the server you win them on by that next week or they will be useless. The last week of voucher payouts will roll over to the next season. The payouts will be as follows:
- $100 Buycraft
- $75 Buycraft
- $50 Buycraft
- $40 Buycraft
- $35 Buycraft
Player Prestige Top (/ptop)
All vouchers will expire the week after they are handed out (/voucher). You must redeem them towards items on the server you win them on by that next week or they will be useless. The last week of voucher payouts will roll over to the next season. The payouts will be as follows:
- $30 Buycraft
- $20 Buycraft
- $10 Buycraft
Block Top (/btop)
All vouchers will expire the week after they are handed out (/voucher). You must redeem them towards items on the server you win them on by that next week or they will be useless. The last week of voucher payouts will roll over to the next season. The payouts will be as follows:
- $30 Buycraft
- $20 Buycraft
- $10 Buycraft
Pass Top (/passtop)
All vouchers will expire the week after they are handed out (/voucher). You must redeem them towards items on the server you win them on by that next week or they will be useless. The last week of voucher payouts will roll over to the next season. The payouts will be as follows:
- $10 Voucher
- $7.5 Voucher
- $5 Voucher
Fishing Top (/ftop) [FIRST WEEK]
The top three players who are on /ftop at 6 PM EST one week after launch will win the fishing top rewards! The Lootboxes are available via postman pat at spawn once payouts are sent. First week only!
- 3x Sun Lootboxes
- 2x Sun Lootboxes
- 1x Sun Lootbox
What is being reset?
Below is a list of gameplay elements that will be cleared with the upcoming reset:
- Your Prison data
- Your Tokens
- Your Balance
- Personal Data
- Enderchests
- Private Vaults
- Inventories
- Plots
- Chests
- Any non-permanent perks
What is not being reset?
- Unlocked Kits
- Donator Ranks
- Any permanent perks (Such as autosell)
- If you purchased something within the last week please reach out via a support ticket on Discord and we will give it to you next season!
We have some crazy new content and many gameplay improvements releasing this season! Read below to find out what you can expect to see this season:
New Spawn
To celebrate Spring, we have a brand new spawn! Ready your pickaxe to mine your way through this blooming pocket of the galaxy!

Flower Picking [Spring Event]
Flowers have taken over Plasma! You are tasked with finding the special flowers all around spawn! If you complete the task, you will be rewarded with a Donor Crate Key!

Pickaxe Updates
In addition to some quality of life visual upgrades, pickaxe enchants are also receiving some changes!
New Enchants
The Doubler (Gang Pickaxe Enchant)
- Whenever Looter or Token Greed procs, there is a chance for the amount of tokens you get to be doubled.
- Max level: 10 | Tokens per level: 150k
Modified Enchants
- The chance of getting a lucky block has been reduced.
- Increased maximum level from 3 to 5.

Private Mines
We have made a few changes to private mines for this season. Here is how private mines will now work:
Tier 5 - Galactic Exclusive!
A Tier V mine will be given to each Galactic at the start of the season. The mine will have a 1.3x multi, and will already be max level.
Tier 4
A Tier IV mine will start with a 1.2 multi, with each upgrade giving the mine an extra 0.01%. The upgrades will cost 15,000 tokens per level, and will max out at level 25. The mine will start at level 20.
Tier 3
A Tier III mine will start with a 1.15 multi, with each upgrade giving the mine an extra 0.01%. The upgrades will cost 15,000 tokens per level, and will max out at level 25. The mine will start at level 15.
Tier 2
A Tier II mine will start with a 1.10 multi, with each upgrade giving the mine an extra 0.01%. The upgrades will cost 15,000 tokens per level, and will max out at level 25. The mine will start at level 10.
Tier 1
A Tier I mine will start with a 1.05 multi, with each upgrade giving the mine an extra 0.01%. The upgrades will cost 15,000 tokens per level, and will max out at level 25. The mine will start at level 5.

Per popular community request, Fishing has been reverted to be fishing rod based rather than trident based. It will work functionally the same as it did before!

As you can tell with the theme of this planet, there is a focus on PvP! To make it easier to switch into doing different activities on the network we have launch the new Wardrobe feature!
You are able to save and select pre-saved load-outs via the /wardrobe menu. So if you have a PvP load-out you want to keep handy and quickly swap with your mining load-out you can do that with one click!

PvP Meteors
A meteor will strike down at the PvP zone every 30 minutes and similar to a flare will be able to be mined! The Meteor will take 30 seconds to mine and the first player to harvest the Meteor gets the rewards! However, you must still make it out of the PvP zone alive!

Backpack Update
We have overhauled the backpack menu and added options to quickly upgrade your backpack to the maximum level you can afford so you don't have to spam click the upgrade button until you reach your desired level!

Galactic Perks (ITS WORTH IT!)
We've heard the feedback from all you Galactic rank holders and we've come together to add some additional perks to the rank!
New Perks:
- All Galactic rank holders will receive a free Tier V private mine (unreachable max tier) on launch!
- 5x wardrobe slots!
- Exclusive pink glow! (/glow)

Sun Lootbox
To celebrate Spring, we’re launching the Sun Lootbox! Preview it in-game with the /lootbox command!

Nitro Rewards
Did you know you can get a load of perks just by boosting us on Discord? If you already have a Nitro subscription you get two free boosts included! Below are just some of the amazing perks you will receive upon boosting.
- 1x Nitro Lootbox (available in-game via /reclaim once per season)
- In-game Nitro Title
- In-game Nitro Cosmetics
- Daily Nitro Delivery from the Delivery Man
- Booster role in Discord, including the Booster badge, and your name will be listed under staff!
- In-game Pink Tab Name
- In-game Pink Diamond on your display name
- Nitro Booster line in your hover over display name
Balancing Changes
We're making the following balancing changes to allow for a better playing experience:
- Koth Key will be seeing a minor buff, with its loot pool being changed slightly. Instead of Rare/Legendary Crystals, it will be Legendary/Mythic Crystals. The 1x Lucky Block will be increased to 3x Lucky Blocks, and One Time Gangster Gkit will be added as well.
- Pickaxe menu GUI will be updated for convenience.
Misc Changes
We're adding and tweaking the following content on Plasma in addition to everything mentioned above:
- Locksmith Crate will now get announced in chat whenever finished rolling similar to the other keys.
- Paper will now be in the banner section of the shop.
- Pouches will now open much faster!
- Casino bets such as token flip, coin flip, etc will now expire after 30 minutes if there are no takers.
- Fixed an issue with leprechaun giving out too many Tier II private mines.
- Added mythical pouches (new pouch rarity) which are only found in locksmith crate.
- Added a new "Random x1.5 Crystal" to Locksmith Crates which has a chance of giving one x1.5 crystal of any kind.
- Removed trash rewards from Locksmith Crate due to the rarity of the crate key.
- Added a low percentage for Leprechaun enchant to give a red lucky block.
- Nerfed XP pouches to give less XP.
- Decreased the chance to get the Octane kit from the crate keys.
- Decreased the chance to get the Galactic kit from comet keys.
We're looking forward to another great season, good luck to everyone in contention for our prize pool!
~ Vortex Plasma Team
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