Skyblock Pandora Reset
Hey astronauts! I am excited to announce that we are releasing the brand new revamp of Skyblock Pandora on March 4th at 3 PM EST/ 12 PM PST / 8 PM GMT! We've gathered a lot of community feedback and put a lot of time into making sure we execute the changes everyone wants to see for Pandora this release. Thank you all who contributed!
Join our Discord at to interact with the community and participant in key alls!
Skyblock Pandora releases on March 4th at 3 PM EST / 12 PM PST / 8 PM GMT!
For any other time zone, type "3 PM EDT" into Google, and the appropriate time will be displayed based on your location. Let's jump into the reset details!
Server Details
The following information contains the basic server details for our upcoming reset. To see new features, keep scrolling until you see the "Features and Changes" section.
Island Top (/istop)
We'll be giving out vouchers for those players that have gained the most Island Value in that week. To get island value check out our economy quick start guide below. These payouts will be distributed every week from the start onward until the map comes to a close.
- $100 Buycraft
- $75 Buycraft
- $50 Buycraft
- $35 Buycraft
- $15 Buycraft
Fishing Top (/fishingtop)
Fishing top is a voucher leaderboard every season of Skyblock Pandora. At the end of the week, the top three people on Fishing top will receive the following voucher reward:
$30 Buycraft
$20 Buycraft
$10 Buycraft
To get higher on the fishing top you must catch fish at /warp fishing.
Mob Top (/mobtop)
Mob top is a voucher leaderboard for every season of Skyblock Pandora. The top three people on Mob Top will receive the following voucher reward:
- $30 Buycraft
- $20 Buycraft
- $10 Buycraft
To get a position on Mob Top you need to kill the Blaze mob on Skyblock Pandora.
Farming Top (/farmingtop)
Farming top will be a voucher leaderboard this season. This leaderboard will display the current top players who have farmed the most pumpkins! The following rewards are given out each week:
- $30 Buycraft
- 20$ Buycraft
- 10$ Buycraft
To get a postion on Farming Top, players will need to grind pumpkins at their Skyblock Island.
Pass Top (/passtop)
Pass Top is a leaderboard for players who grind a lot! You get pass levels from fishing, mob kills and placing spawners! Every week you will be given a voucher if you are ranked in the top three players for the pass level!
- $10 Buycraft
- $7.5 Buycraft
- $5 Buycraft
What is being reset?
Below is a list of gameplay elements that will be cleared with the upcoming reset:
- Your Skyblock Data
- Your Balance
- Personal Data
- Enderchests
- Private Vaults
- Inventories
- Islands
- Chests
- Any non-permanent perks
What is not being reset?
- Unlocked GKits
- Donator Ranks
- Any permanent perks
If you purchased something within the two weeks please reach out via a support ticket on Discord and we will give it to you next season!
New Spawn
We will be featuring a brand up spawn for this season of Skyblock Pandora! Make sure to pop by and explore this post-apocalyptic update to a previous beloved spawn!
Features and Changes
The community's feedback has been invaluable and has had a significant impact during this development cycle of Skyblock Pandora. This release will change the entire economy!
[NEW] Magic Generators and Island upgrades
This season of Skyblock, we have decided to bring back a former beloved aspect to skyblock; Magic Generators (or also known as Cobblestone Generators). Alongside magic generators returning, a test run of island upgrades will also be added in the form of Magic Generator Upgrades. Upgrading your Magic Generator, production rates of better value blocks increase.
Magic generators will work using the standard water and lava setup as well as using water-logged blocks, allowing for more efficient farm designs.
Below will be the list of ores and blocks that will be available:
- Stone
- Coal
- Iron
- Copper
- Gold
- Lapis
- Redstone
- Emerald
- Diamond
- Netherite
- Quartz
- Netherrack
- Endstone

Fortune Changes
To coincide with the release of magic generators, the way fortune works will be adapted and changed. Its effects work on every ore type. Ores when broke with fortune will also return the processed versions of said ore, so Iron ore will produce Iron Ingots.
- No Fortune
- Gives 1 of the processed version of a ore
- Fortune 1
- Gives 1-2 of the processed version of a ore
- Fortune 2
- Gives 2 of the processed version of the ore
- Fortune 3
- Gives 2-3 of the processed version of the ore
- Fortune 4
- Gives 3 of the processed version of the ore
- Fortune 5
- Gives 3-4 of the processed version of the ore
Fortune 4 and 5 will be able to be obtained from the Wizard NPC at /warp wizard, make sure to save up your XP!

With the upcoming economy revamp we will be changing all the spawners to coincide with the new economy and the introduction of Magic Generators.
Each spawner will have a specific purpose and will either be used primarily for automatic money generation, manual farming, or for levels. Each of the level-based spawners, mob drops will be able to be sold in the store for all players who do not wish to compete. Each spawner will also be assigned to a given tier from one to three.
Below is the new list of spawners along with the functions:
- Silverfish
- Tier: 1
- Function: Automatic Money
- Drops: Amethyst Shards
- Endermite
- Tier: 1
- Function: Level Generation
- Drops: Gold
- Blaze
- Tier: 1
- Function: Manual Money
- Drops: Blaze Rods
- Zombie
- Tier: 2
- Function: Automatic Money
- Drops: Rotten Flesh
- Villager
- Tier: 2
- Function: Level Generation
- Drops: Emeralds
- Enderman
- Tier: 3
- Function: Automatic Money
- Drops: Enderpearls
- Wither Skeleton
- Tier: 3
- Function: Level Generation
- Drops: Netherite

Spawner Progression System
This season of skyblock pandora will introduce a new system with spawners. For this season you and your island will have to unlock the ability to buy certain spawners by buying a certain number of the previous tier. These spawners can be accessed via the /spawnershop command.

Material Collectors
Mob collectors are being replaced with Material collectors for this season, these collectors will be able to pick up more items than the previous mob collectors. These collectors can collect all the new mob drops as well as all the items from the Magic Generators.
These collectors will also be able to automatically condense ores into their block variants, and will be able to be clicked on with the block wand to be able to put their blocks into your /is level.

Island Level changes
Island Value has been redone to include all ores from the Magic Generators, alongside a popular request, sellable ores. Players will now be able to pick what they want to do with each ore!
A quick overview of which blocks sell for money, and which add island value (ordered from low to high value):
Island value blocks:
- Coal, value is 0.25
- Iron, value is 0.5
- Copper, value is 0.5
- Gold, value is 1
- Lapis, value is 1.25
- Redstone, value is 1.25
- Emerald, value is 1.5
- Diamond, value is 1.5
- Netherite, value is 2

Shop changes
Various new items have been added to the skyblock /shop this release! This includes new blocks, mob drops, ores and spawner prices (/spawnershop).
- We added all colored concrete blocks
- All the ores as well as quartz, endstone, and netherrack are now sellable
- All the new mob drops are now sellable
- All the new spawners have been added.

Quality of life, and Bug fixes
- Bosses will no longer receive large amounts of knockback
- Pouches will be reworked
- Crates will be reworked
- Mystery spawners will be reworked
- Generators will be reworked
- Blazes and Enderman have had their AI removed
- The bug displaying incorrect island names on is top has been fixed
- Generator outpost will now work on all generators on your island
Nitro Rewards
Did you know you can get a load of perks just by boosting us on Discord? If you already have a Nitro subscription you get two free boosts included! Below are just some of the amazing perks you will receive upon boosting.
- 1x Nitro Lootbox (available in-game via /reclaim once per season)
- In-game Nitro Title
- In-game Nitro Cosmetics
- Daily Nitro Delivery from the Delivery Man
- Booster role in Discord, including the Booster badge, and your name will be listed under staff!
- In-game Pink Tab Name
- In-game Pink Diamond on your display name
- Nitro Booster line in your hover over display name
We're looking forward to another great season, good luck to everyone in contention for our prize pool!
~ The Pandora Planning Team
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