Skyblock Pandora Reset
Skyblock Pandora releases on April 20th at
12 PM PST / 3 PM EST / 8 PM BST
Join our Discord at to interact with the community, and participate in events, key alls, and giveaways!
What is being reset
Everything is being reset apart from Kits, Ranks or Permanent Perks. If you have bought anything within the last two weeks contact us on to get these items next season.
Release Details
Spacecoin Shop Changes
Below are the following Spacecoin Shop Changes for this season:
Limited Edition Items
Price Changes

/Upgrade Changes
Below are the following /Upgrade Changes for this season:
Key Finder Upgrade

Outpost Changes
Below are the following Outpost Changes for this season:
[Updated] Farming Outpost
[Updated] Mob Outpost
[Updated] Pandora Outpost

Generator Changes
We have made the following updates to Generators for this season:
- Money:
- Tier 1: 24 Hours - $312,768
- Tier 2: 24 Hours - $625,128
- Tier 3: 24 Hours - $1,250,768
- Tier 4: 24 Hours - $2,491,200
- Spacecoin:
- Tier 1: 24 Hours - 576
- Tier 2: 24 Hours - 1,152
- Tier 3: 24 Hours - 2,592
- Tier 4: 24 Hours - 5,184
- Experience:
- Tier 1: 24 Hours - 12,384
- Tier 2: 24 Hours - 25,056
- Tier 3: 24 Hours - 37,440
- Tier 4: 24 Hours - 50,112
- Level:
- Tier 1: 24 Hours - 864 Gold Blocks
- Tier 2: 24 Hours - 864 Diamond Blocks
- Tier 3: 24 Hours - 864 Emerald Blocks Blocks
- Tier 4: 24 Hours - 864 Netherite Blocks Blocks
Spawner Changes
Below are the following Spawner Changes for this season:
- Spawners Being Removed:
- Bee Spawner
- Pig Spawner
- Spider Spawner
- Creeper Spawner
- Drowned Spawner
- Iron Golem Spawner
- Cow Spawner
- Sheep Spawner
- Skeleton Spawner
- Spawner Drop Sell Price Changes:
- Ender Pearls: $12 -> $9
- Diamond: $10 -> $6
- Spawner Buy Price Changes:
- Silverfish Spawner: $1,500,000 -> $1,250,000
- Blaze Spawner: $750,000 -> $2,500,000
- Endermite Spawner: $2,000,000 -> $2,500,000
- Villager Spawner: $4,000,000 -> $7,500,000
- Wither Skeleton Spawner: $6,000,000 -> $10,000,000
- Spawner Shop Changes:
- Removed /spawnershop entirely.
- Spawner tiers will no longer exist.
- All spawners have been integrated within /shop.
QOL & Bug Changes
- Fixed an issue where clicking a sell wand on a chest would clear all items inside without giving you any money.
- Infinite Lava and Water buckets have been added to /shop!
- The price ranges for common, rare, epic, legendary, and mythic fish have been slightly modified.
- Spacecoin proc rates have been slightly modified for fishing, farming, mob grinding, and mining.
- Ore Generator proc rates have been slightly modified.
- Ore Generator Upgrade prices have been altered.
Payouts and Competition
Starting April 20th (Pandora Release Day) and onwards, all Pandora Payouts will now be taken at 6pm EST
Island Top (/istop)
Players with the highest Island Level will recieve the following: This is reset weekly
- $100 Buycraft
- $80 Buycraft
- $60 Buycraft
- $45 Buycraft
- $30 Buycraft
Farming Top (/farmingtop)
Players with the most Crops Harvested will recieve the following
- $25 Buycraft
- $15 Buycraft
- $10 Buycraft
Mob Top (/mobtop)
Players with the most Mobs Killed will recieve the following
- $25 Buycraft
- $15 Buycraft
- $10 Buycraft
Fishing Top (/fishingtop) [FIRST WEEK ONLY]
Players who reel in the most fish will recieve the following
- 3x Pandora Lootboxes
- 2x Pandora Lootboxes
- 1x Pandora Lootboxes
Pass Top (/passtop)
Players with the highest Galaxy Pass level will recieve the following
- $10 Buycraft
- $7.5 Buycraft
- $5 Buycraft
Nitro Rewards
Did you know you can get a load of perks just by boosting us on Discord? If you already have a Nitro subscription you get two free boosts included! Below are just some of the amazing perks you will receive upon boosting.
- 1x Nitro Lootbox (available in game via /reclaim once per season).
- In-game Pink Diamond on your display name.
- In-game Nitro Boosting line in your hover over display name.
- In-game Nitro Cosmetics (/cosmetics).
- Extra Deliveryman Rewards (/deliveryman).
- Nitro Booster role in Discord.
- Nitro Booster badge next to your name in Discord.
- Your name will be displayed on the side bar in our Discord under the Nitro Booster heading!
We're looking forward to another great season, good luck to everyone in contention for our prize pool!
~ Vortex Staff Team
Prison Cosmic resets on May 4th at 3 PM EDT / 12 PM PDT / 7 PM BST! Join our Discord at to interact with the community and participate in key
Prison Plasma releases on April 6th at 3 PM EDT / 12 PM PDT / 8 PM BST! Join our Discord at to interact with the community and participant in key